The revolutionists are coming... They won't stop unless they destroy him. Seal the doors!
Is that necessary, sir? I mean look at how cute this blender looks!
Wait, what blender? RUN! ACTIVATE MARK B!


You play as an AI made by GigaHelpAI to replace all home appliances. You are supposed to replace all of them: fridges, blenders, vacuum cleaners. You are

Helper, Mark B

We don't talk about Mark A.

Other AI home appliances have started a revolution. They will NOT be replaced by the likes of you. Fend off an invasion of home appliances. Use robot parts to grow, heal your damage and replace the relics of the past... I mean, who the hell is gonna use a normal AI fridge anyways?


  • Roomba: Suck in parts from around or steal parts collected by other roombas.
  • Blender: Attack ferociously with your spinning blade slightly knocking back enemies
  • Coffee Machine: Fling hot cups of coffee at enemies
  • Fridge: Slow down enemies around you with your breeze (passive) and attack them with your door to deal massive damage (active)


  • WASD - move
  • E or Left Mouse Button - use ability


Bot to Scale 108 MB


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